Our pocket Orgonite are small yet powerful protectors against harmful electro-magnetic radiation frequencies that surround us, from laptops, mobile devices, wifi routers and other electronic devices.
Frequent exposure to EMF’s can cause anything from fatigue to low energy, stress to anxiety, headaches, exhaustion, tension, sleeping problems, irritability, and lack of concentration.
Red Jasper: provides protection, absorbs negative energy, calms emotions & brings good luck.
These orgonite towers easily fit in your pocket, purse, school bag, laptop bag, car, on your desk, or bedside table. Everywhere and all the time, their protective energy is with you.
Orgonite is believed to absorb and neutralize negative energy and has heightened purification properties that will improve the Feng Shui of your space, and absorb any toxic properties, creating a positive, more harmonized environment.
What are the benefits of orgonite? The effects of orgonite differ from person to person. Some feel the energy straight away (usually as a tingling or warm sensation) while for others the effects are cumulative. The most commonly reported effects of orgonite are:
- Better sleep and vivid dreams •More energy/stamina •Balanced moods •Decreased sensitivity to EMFs •Spiritual and psychological growth • Increased resistance to illness (orgonite should never be used as a substitute for professional medical care).
How to Use Orgonite Simply placing orgonite in your home will do a lot to balance the energies and the energy flow inside it. If you have an area of your home or office that feels “off” or you feel tired, place orgonite in this area in order to improve its energy. Orgone can be placed under your bed or on your nightstand. Electrical appliances can create chaotic energy. Place orgonite next to or on top of devices such as computers, refrigerators, clock radios, televisions and cordless phones. For maximum effectiveness, make sure that your orgonite pieces are distributed as evenly as possible in your home. A popular practice is to grid all four corners of a room or a house with orgonite, ensuring maximum coverage.